Thursday, March 22, 2018

Mumbiker Nikhil In Nepal with Shanice Shrestha + His Monthly Earning From Youtube

Mumbiker Nikhil In Nepal with Shanice Shrestha + Monthly Earning From Youtube
Nikhil Sharma aka Mumbiker Nikhil is a famous motovlogger youtuber from India.He became famous from viral video "Mumbai to Banglore - KTM DUKE 390" which was recorded accidently when he visited Banglore to meet his friend.

In Nepal

Visiting in Nepal along with his friends on which one of them was Shanice Shrestha.They were there for almost 1 week and later on extended some more days which was mention in his vlog.

About Income

According to social blade it is estimated that Mumbiker Nikhil Is Earning $4.5K - $71.8K per month


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